Programming Methodology 2

まずは、Mehran Sahami先生の講義を視聴してみることにしました。一回目はイントロダクションだったので、二回目を全編を通して見てみました。


So what we're doing is we're breaking the program down into more and more steps, and notice this is reading like English. And the important thing to realize in programming is programming is not just about writing a program that the computer understands. Programming is about writing programs that people understand. I can't stress that enough. That's huge. That's what programming style is all about. It's what good software engineering is all about.

Okay, so write programs for people to read, not just for computers to read. Both of them need to be able to read it, but it's far more important that a person reads it and understands it, and that the computer still executes it correctly. But that's the first major software engineering principle to think about.
